Saturday, May 25, 2013

A very special interview.

This week In FurMedia we are going to showcase a very special Fursuiter from Australia. This fursuiter has only recently acquired their completed suit and in a very short time has become quite the prominent figure within their local community as well as showing support to many fellow suiters world wide. They have become an inspiration to what a fursuiter can do to help everyday society as well as the fandom over all. I am talking of course of Kidsune Kirax, The lovable black and blue fox from Queensland Australia. He has been involved with many escapades befitting any fursuiter, but has also been an active promoter and lent a helpful paw to his local charities.  

Below is the Interview I managed to get with the one and only Kidsune. I hope to show the fandom just how adorable and fun this fox can be. I hope you enjoy!

Zennith Caitiff: So, First off i would like to say good morning/evening. Id like to start by introducing myself. My name is Zennith and i am a Content Creator/ Journalist at FurMedia. its a pleasure to speak with you.

Kidsune: And nice to meet you, the pleasure is all mine!

Zennith Caitiff: Well, I am certainly glad to hear that. OK, so First question. You are a fox, in the interest of Curiosity, What made you choose that species as your specific fursona?

Kidsune: Well, to make an overly long story short, it was a combination of aesthetics, personality, and demeanor shared between myself and foxes, I suppose. Not really a 'fox in a human's body' kind of person, but more of an alter-ego, I suppose

Zennith Caitiff: That’s actually kinda cool, I haven’t heard that very often. Though I, myself feel the same way about my own fursona(s). So I have to ask, Where did the design for your fursona come from? What inspired you to choose the colors/patterns that you chose?

Kidsune: Well, originally, waaay back when, I was a plain old red fox. In comes the world of Second Life, though, and I pretty quickly expanded my creative options to something more extravagant, which was black and pink at the time, but the pink soon wore off on me, and eventually settled with my cyan, which I think really brings up my character in different ways

Zennith Caitiff: Sweet. Well we have covered the development of kidsune as a fursona. Now lets delve into Kidsunes 'human' so to speak if only for just a moment. heh, how long have you been active within the fandom?

Kidsune: That's a tough one. Depends on what you call active, I suppose. I guess I officially found the fandom when I discovered VCL( I believe), which would've been way back in... 2002 I believe, though I was always fond of the whole idea since I can remember. I really started growing active in local communities in 2007, though.

Zennith Caitiff: So say going on 11 years now that you’ve been involved with the fandom?

Kidsune: Easily, yeah

Zennith Caitiff: Awesome. So this leads to a pretty obvious follow up, What actually inspired you to become a furry?

Kidsune: The boring-ness of the human body is a main point, I suppose!
Kidsune: Always strived for something more interesting and unique

Zennith Caitiff: Alright, That’s a fair enough answer. I think we can all relate to that on some level. hehe. So since 2002, you have found yourself as a furry. When people hear the name "Kidsune Kirax" what do you think they remember you for?

Kidsune: That's hard to say, I'm not really sure. Most likely from when I played Second Life, as that's where I got my last name from. More recently, would definitely be from my fursuit.

Zennith Caitiff: I would certainly have to agree! I love your fursuit it is totally adorable.

Kidsune: Thank you~

Zennith Caitiff: Your most welcome, So if anyone were to have been watching your facebook page lately. they would have noticed your rather spirited involvement with a local charity organization there in your local community. Tell us a bit about that, what made you choose to get involved with that specific charity?

Kidsune: Well, I found about the Million Paws Walk taking place through facebook via a friend of mine, and heard that a few others have done the walk in fursuit before, and I though 'What better way to both help our 4 legged friends, and get exposure about the positive side of the community?'

Kidsune: So I talked to some other local friends of mine who got interested in walking in fursuit as well, and we ended up with our team, Paws for Effect! So far we've raised $1780, which is really amazing!

Zennith Caitiff: That’s fantastic! and what exactly does the million paws walk do?

Kidsune: It's a fundraiser for the RSPCA, Australia's animal welfare organization, that happens every year. It's a walk around a park that happens in hundreds of locations all over the country

Zennith Caitiff: That’s a fantastic cause to get involved with. And I can say I certainly enjoyed all your pictures in support of the cause. So do you have any other plans in the works?

Kidsune: I do have some flyers that our team will be handing out during the walk, for people who want to donate after-wards

Zennith Caitiff: So it would be safe to assume your really dedicated to this cause then huh?

Kidsune: Yeah, I've put a fair bit of effort into it

Zennith Caitiff: That’s certainly good to hear. I hope that in some way we can all get involved on some level with our own local SPCA organizations. hehe. So, Would you consider this your greatest accomplishment to date then?

Kidsune: Probably not the greatest, but it's pretty close. I don't really have a greatest achievement, since it's all relative to the beholder

Zennith Caitiff: Well, What would you consider to be your greatest achievement? in your own opinion?

Kidsune: Probably my overall involvement in our local fur-con, Riv Fur. With all the graphic design, photography, cinematography and promotional work I've done.

Zennith Caitiff: Ah, so the fox is a creative sort eh? What sort of talents do you have?

Kidsune: I dabble in photography and cinematography a fair bit, as well as special effects and design.

Zennith Caitiff: That’s awesome! I’m a writer myself lol, if it wasn’t obvious. So with these talents, I'm sure that like any artist, you have your 'pet peeves' so to speak. What would you say would be your biggest pet peeve?

Kidsune: Bad editing. Whether it's in video or photos, it just makes me visibly cringe.

Zennith Caitiff: That’s pretty fair. I have a similar eye for stuff like that. Lol. So, I think we've pretty much covered it. the audience should have a good idea of the fox behind the fox so to speak. hahaha. is there anything else you would like to tell us that we may not know? perhaps any future developments or events after the Million Paws Walk?

Kidsune: I have a few more promotional videos coming out soon for Riv Fur, so keep your eyes peeled on my facebook or the website, :3

Zennith Caitiff: Fantastic, As always its been a pleasure to talk to you Kidsune, I will certainly keep my eyes and ears perked for any new developments, and who knows, we may end up doing this again in the future :3.

Kidsune: Great! Thanks for the chat ^_^

So, There you have it folks. Straight from the muzzle, Literally. I for one was very happy to have gotten the opportunity to learn more about this adorable fox and his amazing work helping his local charities and animal shelters. As he stated, keep your eyes and ears peeled for future developments from Kidsune. If you would like to follow him, feel free to check him out on facebook @ or on Fur affinity at

If you would like to see more of Kidsune's photography or cinematography, then go check him out at . If you are looking for a new con to attend or just wanting to travel then go check them out. They are known for putting on a rather impressive con and we here at FurMedia certainly encourage the interaction and connection of furries from across the globe.

As always this is Zennith Catiff for FurMedia, Wishing you a pleasant day/night or wherever you may be on this giant blue marble we call home. Until next time fuzzy ones, keep you eyes open for future articles here at FurMedia! We have many great things in the works around here for you all to enjoy. From comics and articles like this, to videos and music productions. Feel free to follow us, or better yet, make your voice heard by clicking that ' contact us ' button and send us suggestions, comments, or even just a personal hello. We are all here thanks to each and everyone of you, so its up to you to help us grow and develop new content with your suggestions. Keep your eyes and ears open for many exciting things here at FurMedia. Cheers!~ :3